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A high-end user-friendly tax management platform, that provides
personalized tax solutions for high net-worth individuals and businesses.
As a product designer at Gelt, I've been responsible for crafting intuitive user experiences and visually appealing interfaces, while also managing our design system and expanding our visual language to ensure consistency and scalability across our product.

Product design, UX UI, Branding, Design system development

Icons offer a means to lighten the serious tone of tax matters. I tried to craft a rich, playful, and dynamic set representing tax-related terms in a memorable and tidy manner.

Tax Projection tool
Tax projection is a real time tax modeling tool that allow the users to see how different financial choices and life changes might affect their taxes by creating flexible "what-if" scenarios. I designed this table-based tool to be approachable and intuitive for both inexperienced users and advanced CPAs. Drawing from familiar behaviors found in Google Sheets and Excel, I aimed to make it easy to learn and inviting.

‘Adding an input’ component
A quick and easy way to search and add an input when using the tax projection tool

Document Vault
The Vault serves as a centralized section for storing and organizing tax-related files, streamlining accessibility for CPAs.To enhance usability and effectiveness, I implemented a bulk-operations toolbar and a tagging system.

Stakeholders section
In order to build trust and transparency, as well as provide a way to communicate, this stakeholders section presents to the user their team leads and offers CTAs to meet and contact.

Mobile screens
While the Gelt platform is primarily utilized on desktop browsers, we required mobile optimization to facilitate information viewing and basic actions.

Some more components made for Gelt
Tooltips, toasts and more :)

Gelt landing page sections
The Gelt landing page was a combined effort of the internal Gelt design team, presented here are some of the sections I designed.

Social media posts
I translated Gelt's product visual language into a graphic and illustrated brand style.

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